So, a couple weeks ago, I finally got my first DSLR! Unfortunately, it's taken me a little while to learn a bit more about it and learn it's quirks. And, honestly, I haven't taken a bunch that I really liked until recently, so my photographic fervor has returned.
These pictures are experimental pictures that I kind of got by accident while trying to do a "slow-sync-strobe-something-or-other" techinique, with my new speedlight, which was given to me by an uncle. The basic idea is that you use a long shutter speed and a flash. The flash freezes the immediate picture, then while the shutter is still open, you manually zoom the lens out (or in), which looked really cool in front of a window, and even cooler with someone silhouetted in the window.
This one looks like she just stepped out of a time travel machine or something....
It's Hannah The Amazing!!
Sarah moves to Warp 9
Hannah enters the wormhole.
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