• A Photography Blog by Trinity Lee

    OPC ~ Part 2

    I'm gonna skip the introduction this time because I have a lot to say about these photos. Check out my Gear Wishlist page though! I finally got around to updating it!

    Day 6: Childhood memory - At first I had a picture of a Lamb Chop puppet we have (Shari Lewis), which was before my time but I remember watching a video of Lamb Chop. So a sort of a childhood memory, but not really. However, I realized still had this. A very nice kaleidoscope that my Nana gave me when I was very little. It's always been one of my more treasured possessions, I've always taken good care of it, and it always reminds me of my Nana.

    Day 7: Something New - Our old teapot broke when my dad turned and collided with Emily after filling it in the sink. The valve/lid cracked and popped off somehow. Not really sure how that happened, but in any case we got a shiny new teapot that makes really awesome reflections. I was going to take a picture of it anyway, but then I realized it also met my "something new" requirement for the day.

     Day 8: Technology - I have a ton of technology in my house. We have eight computers, after all. There's four or five cell phones in the house. There's six or seven digital cameras, a bazillion and two CD's and DVDs, and three radios. So why did I choose my battered MP3 player? Because for someone who has the electronic touch of death, this thing is my best friend. It's actually my second one. The first one I had for several years and loaded up with just a ton of songs and videos, and it still wasn't full. I dropped it, tossed it across the room, got it dirty, banged it around in the bottom of my purse (which is worse than it sounds), left it in the freezing temperatures in the van, and once, dropped it out of the van into a puddle on the asphalt on a rainy day. And it kept on ticking. It played music, worked properly, didn't need to be charged very often at all, and was just generally a wonder machine.

    Unfortunately, it couldn't survive the washer. 

    One day, in a freak accident (I'm still not exactly sure how it happened) it got scooped up with a dirty apron or jacket and washed. It died. It was sad. All that music was scattered across the house in the form of CD's, flashdrives, and computers. And buying a new player just like that was about $108 off of Amazon, when we got the first one as tenant ware (left in an apartment). Fortunately, my mom found an identical one on Ebay that I nabbed for $15. The screen is a tad more scratched than the old one, but not enough to impair viewing. (Photo editing + flash really brought out the scratches. They aren't as bad as they look.) The center button sometimes decides not to work, but otherwise it's just as good as the other one. We're working on slowly rebuilding our extensive music library on it. 

    Day 9: Faceless Self Portrait - I had a specific idea of how I wanted to do my faceless portrait, which was something like, me reading a book that blocked my face on the stairs, but... it didn't work out. Really didn't work out. It was extremely frustrating. So then I had the idea to just sit on the railing of the deck and shoot myself from behind just looking off into the distance as a silhouette. Yeah, that didn't work out too well either. Believe me. I tried. So then I tried this pose on a different part of the deck. It was nerve wracking (for me) to pose on four inches of wood six feet above the ground, especially when I kept overbalancing and freaking out. My foot that's hanging down is firmly wrapped around the railing to stop me from falling to a painful death, I'm sure. Then editing it was another nightmare in itself, but I'll talk about that some other time.

    Day 10: Something I made - I was thinking about it, and I realized, I don't make a lot of things. I don't "create" thing very often. Maybe because when I do, I want to go whole hog and make it the best it could possibly be and better than any other in the whole world. That might be it. It might also be that I'm not known for my perseverance. I start projects, but I don't often finish them. I prefer fixing and assembling rather than "creating" per se. In any case, this is something that I created. There was no planning, other than a few rough... not even sketches... doodles, actually. I had a vague, vague idea of what I wanted. I had made duct tape swords before, but this I determined to make my pièce de résistance, my magnum opus.

    And it was.

    I really hard on it for quite a while and it was not only a cut above my other work, it was like comparing a VW bug to a Ferrari. Or for females, a Troll to a Barbie. It was beautiful. I entered it in the fair and of course it won a first place ribbon. (Just like the 4yr old that entered his modge-podge of legos and got a blue ribbon. I became very disenchanted with the fair that year.) 
    I don't think I've made another duct tape sword since I finished this one. Maybe I will someday, but I kind of feel like I proved myself. It's not battle worthy, and it needs repair every so often (the hilt is kind of loose), but I still consider it my greatest work.

    And now, after a very wordy post, I must retire to bed and hope that tomorrow morning when I reread this, I won't sound like a crazy person. :)

    Other friends who are doing the challenge too:
    Kristan Freiburger - http://www.t3hwg.blogspot.com/
    Carrie Gloor -  http://eirrac.blogspot.com/



    About Trinity Lee ~

    My Photo
    Trinity Lee
    My name is Trinity Bristol. I am 18 years old, I live in Northern Arkansas, I am the oldest of ten children, I'm home-schooled, and my hobbies include reading, writing, anything to do with a blade, and photography. I am a born-again Christian, and I believe that Jesus Christ came down to earth and sacrificed himself for my sins in order for me to spend eternity with him in Heaven.
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